Combat Outdoor Dry Eye: Effective Solutions for Healthy Vision

Stop Your Dry Eye Now.

You're here because you have eye irritation or dryness, right? Well, you can stop having that problem. The iTear100 stops your dry eye in just seconds per use, AND you'll need it less as you use it! Visit to learn more!

Exploring the Great Outdoors: How Nature Affects Our Eye Health

Ever noticed that after a day spent outside, your eyes might feel more irritated than usual? It's not just you the link between outdoor environments and eye health is quite significant. In particular, dry eye can be a real hassle for nature enthusiasts. But worry not! Olympic Ophthalmics has partnered with Olympic Ophthalmics to bring you a cutting-edge solution: the iTEAR100 device, a breakthrough in managing dry eye symptoms. Let's dive into understanding dry eye and how to keep your eyes happy in any outdoor setting!

Dry eye syndrome can be a pesky condition where your eyes don't produce enough tears, or the tears are of poor quality. Symptoms can include a stinging sensation, itchiness, redness, and a feeling as if there's something gritty in your eyes. So, why does this happen? There are a few common culprits:

When you're outside, elements like wind, sun, and even air pollution can cause tears to evaporate faster than usual, leading to dry eyes. Humidity levels also play a role; too little moisture in the air can make your eyes feel like a desert.

Spending hours staring at screens can strain our eyes as we tend to blink less, resulting in drier eyes. Additionally, certain medications and health conditions can mess with tear production, adding to the problem.

As we age, our bodies produce fewer tears, and this is particularly true for women undergoing hormonal changes such as with menopause.

Navigating the challenges of dry eye means being proactive about our eye health, especially when heading outside. Wearing sunglasses can shield your eyes from the elements, and taking frequent screen breaks helps too. Yet, what if there was a way to naturally improve tear production? That's where the iTEAR100 comes into play.

In collaboration with Olympic Ophthalmics, iTear100 is proud to offer the iTEAR100 device, an innovative addition to the toolkit for managing dry eye. Free from the need for artificial tears or medications, this device empowers you to handle your symptoms in a whole new way.

The iTEAR100 uses neurostimulation to encourage your eyes to produce natural tears. It's a small, handheld device that you apply to the bridge of your nose, and with gentle stimulation, it activates your body's own tear-making system.

One of the best parts about the iTEAR100 is its user-friendliness. It's portable, meaning you can bring it along on all your outdoor adventures. A quick session can leave your eyes feeling refreshed and soothed.

Getting your hands on this device is simple. You'll need to chat with a doctor to ensure it's right for you don't fret, we"ve got a streamlined process for online consultations. Afterward, upload your prescription, place your order, and we'll handle the rest delivering it right to your doorstep.

If you have questions or need to reorder, 650-300-9340 is the number to call. We're here for you, wherever you are in the nation, eager to help you take the first step towards happier, healthier eyes.

Stop Your Dry Eye Now.

You're here because you have eye irritation or dryness, right? Well, you can stop having that problem. The iTear100 stops your dry eye in just seconds per use, AND you'll need it less as you use it! Click the image above - get relief now, and finally be free of dry eye issues for good!

Stop Your Dry Eye Now.

You're here because you have eye irritation or dryness, right? Well, you can stop having that problem. The iTear100 stops your dry eye in just seconds per use, AND you'll need it less as you use it! Click the image above - get relief now, and finally be free of dry eye issues for good!

Dry eye is more than just a nuisance it's a widespread issue, with millions of people experiencing symptoms regularly. Its impact on daily life can be significant, ranging from discomfort to affecting your ability to enjoy outdoor activities fully.

From bustling cities with their dry, polluted air to dry climates lacking humidity, many of us live in environments that aren't eye-friendly.

Dry eye can interfere with the simplest things like reading a book in the park or soaking in the view on a hike.

Anyone can develop dry eye, but certain groups such as older adults and those with specific health conditions are at a higher risk.

Beyond physical discomfort, constantly dealing with dry eye can be emotionally draining, too.

But it's not all doom and gloom. With the iTEAR100, taking back control of your eye health is literally at your fingertips.

Whether you're a beach bum, a mountain trekker, or an urban wanderer, different outdoor settings present unique challenges for dry eye sufferers. Let's explore how to enjoy the great outdoors without letting dry eye dampen the fun.

At the beach, the combination of wind, saltwater, and sunlight can be harsh on your eyes. Here are some tips:

  • Wear wraparound sunglasses to protect against wind and UV rays.
  • Use a hat with a wide brim for additional shade.
  • Take breaks from the sun to give your eyes a rest.

Higher altitudes mean lower humidity and increased UV exposure. Keep these in mind:

  • Stay hydrated drink plenty of water to help maintain tear film.
  • Blink frequently to distribute tears evenly across your eyes.
  • Have the iTEAR100 at the ready for a quick moisture boost.

Pollution and air conditioning in urban areas can sap moisture from your eyes. Here's what can help:

  • Use a humidifier indoors to add moisture back into the air.
  • Be mindful of screen time, and take regular breaks to blink and refocus your eyes.
  • Carry the iTEAR100 for relief on the go.

No matter where life takes you, the iTEAR100 is your secret weapon against dry eye, making it easier to enjoy every moment outdoors.

Hearing from actual users can be the most convincing evidence of how well something works. We"ve collected stories from people who have found the iTEAR100 to be a game-changer in managing their dry eye symptoms. Let's hear what they have to say.

From avid hikers to sentimental wedding goers who can now cry tears of joy without discomfort, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

Users report that the iTEAR100 has not just relieved their symptoms but transformed their outdoor experiences, allowing them to embrace the beauty of nature with clear, comfortable vision.

Many share that the ease of using the iTEAR100 has contributed to its integration into their daily routines, providing long-term benefits and consistent relief.

Happy users are telling friends and family about the iTEAR100, expanding our community of people enjoying the outdoors, tear-free.

Imagine what it would be like to join this group of satisfied iTEAR100 users. Your outdoor adventures, free from the tyranny of dry eye, are just a call away: 650-300-9340 .